Fly 500 Feet Over An Active Volcano In A Helicopter With No Doors… Leanne is currently on Hawaii’s Big Island celebrating her Aunt’s [...]
23 10 33Shares Holy spewing Volcano, this looks awesome… The next time your on Upolu, a tiny Samoan Island, check out To-Sua. It’s a natural ocean trench [...]
Um, this gets ALL the yesses… Get your Go Pro ready and book a ticket to Hawaii to swim with the Dolphins. We’ve wanted to be mermaids since [...]
Climb The Treacherous (& Totally Illegal) “Stairway To Heaven” To Take In Oahu’s Most Magical View
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Oahu’s Haiku Stairs have quickly ascended to the top of my Bucket List… The Haiku Stairs, aka “The Stairway To Heaven”, is one of the [...]
Hate Crowds, Lines & Tourist Traps? Hike Along This Dangerous & Desolate Section of The Great Wall…
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If you’re anything like me, the perfect adventure involves doing something most tourists avoid… This is by far my favourite travel memory. Unlike [...]
This Luxury Egyptian Cruise Has Me In State of Bucket List De-Nile How can an experience this magical exist? Well, it does… thanks to a company called [...]